We’re as excited to ring in 2021 as you are! It’s not only nice to say goodbye to 2020, but also nice to welcome the changes and fresh starts a new year brings. AirTech is bringing in some new changes as well, including a new course offering. We’re relaunching our AirTech Introduction to Regulator Service Course and offering several sessions in 2021!
Our very own Technician Trainer, magnificent manager, all-around inspiring individual, Shane Briggs, will be teaching the courses! Despite our enthusiasm and unbridled jubilation at the thought of educating our customers, Shane is a pretty chill guy. He will take the time to walk you through not only the breakdown and reassembly of several regulators but explain the theory behind their functionality and the application of their design.
What is this course?
This course is an in-depth exploration of the regulators we use to go diving. Day 1 starts with the breakdown of a technician’s tools and processes, what they use and how they use them. Then we move into the theory behind regulator design and function, looking at different types of first and second stages and their mechanics.
Example Topic: What is the difference between a Flow By Piston and Diaphragm first stage.
Days 2 and 3 are for breakdowns and rebuilds. Each student gets a set of demo regulators so that you can follow Shane as he navigates through several different first and second stages. This allows everyone to see and touch all the pieces that go into the regulator and understand the precise nature of being a regulator technician. With this understanding, you’ll be able to see how much proper equipment maintenance can affect your diving and safety, as well as troubleshoot issues a bit better.
Example Topic: What types of damage can occur to a filter, how does it happen, and what will that do to a regulator’s preformance?
What is this course not?
This course is NOT a certificate course that allows you to go home and disassemble your regulator. While it will be tempting to do the same thing to your own regulator as you had done in class, remember, it is life-supporting equipment.
We don’t boast our skilled technicians just because they are nice people. They are incredibly skilled and knowledgeable, and we literally trust them with our lives. So even if you feel the itch after a weekend with us, trust us when we say, you still want to use AirTech for all your servicing!
Sign up today!
Are you ready to explore the world of regulator service with our tech course?