Service Options
- First Stage Regulator
- Second Stage Regulators
- BCDs
- Power Inflators
- SPG Spool O-Ring Change
- Computer and Transmitter Battery Changes
- Air/Nitrox Fills
- Annual Visual Inspections
- Hydrostatic Test
- Valve Rebuild
- Additional Services
We offer the complete package to keep you diving!
We broke down our service options into two main categories. If you need something beyond this list, contact us! We can either service it or suggest someone else to help you out!

SCUBA Equipment
We’ll service your complete dive system! Most divers send in a set consisting of: first stage, two second stages, one BCD, and one computer or gauge set.

For our local customers, we offer Visual Inspection (VIPs), Hydrostatic testing, valve rebuilds, and air and nitrox fills.

Full List
If you just want a menu for all of our options, including our service technician course, we got it all.